Report post

What will be the price of Mana (decentrland) coin in 2025?

Currently, it’s trading around $1 but our price prediction for MANA for the year 2025 is nearly $10 and for the year 2030 is approximately $31. Overall, this post discusses MANA (Decentrland) coin price forecasts for the years 2022, 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040, and 2050.

What will be the price of Mana coin in 2024?

In 2024, Mana coin price prediction is $8.28 on the maximum end and $6.14 on the minimum end and it could hover around $7.75 throughout the year 2024. In 2025, MANA coin price is expected to reach a maximum of $11.44 and a minimum of $8.77 with an average price of $10.16.

What will the price of Decentraland be in 2050?

Price forecasts for Decentraland for the year 2050 are $264 on the high end and $224 on the lower end with an average price of $242. Will MANA coin reach $100?

Can Mana coin reach $100 in long term?

Yes MANA coin can reach $100 in long term. As per our technical analysis, past movement and price actions of MANA coin clear that, investors may need to wait for at least a decade to see their favorite metaverse coin over $100.

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